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Medical Withdrawal Policy

Students may withdraw from an Independent Study in Idaho (ISI) course by completing a regular drop through the ISI website or requesting a medical withdrawal from the ISI office.  Students who are medically withdrawing must withdraw from all coursework and cannot selectively withdraw from individual ISI courses.

  • Students may complete a regular course drop from one or all classes through the ISI website, for any reason.  Courses dropped within 45 days of registration may qualify for a refund.  For details see Refund Schedule. Financial vouchers are not issued for regularly dropped courses.
  • However, if you wish to complete a medical withdrawal after 45 days of registration, contact the ISI office by email ( to tell us that you wish to take a medical withdrawal and include your Vandal number and documentation. 

  • Medical providers must have a legitimate, health-based reason(s) to support a request for a medical withdrawal.
    • submit documentation from your licensed medical provider to ISI, either by mail, in person or fax. The ISI office is located on the University of Idaho campus in Shoup Hall, Room 310.
  • Documentation must state the following:
    • medical provider’s name/office letterhead
    • a brief statement identifying you as the patient or client
    • the date of onset of illness
    • dates of medical care
    • general nature of your medical condition
    • how your medical condition prevented you from completion of your course work

  • The ISI staff will review your documentation, and if eligible, will withdraw your enrollment. Withdrawing will not affect your GPA.
  • The ISI office will audit your account and issue a financial voucher that may be applied toward future ISI tuition fees, if you are eligible. 
  • ISI will provide information related to a medical withdrawal to a third party if a Consent of Release of Information form is on file giving authorization.
  • If you are receiving financial assistance to fund ISI courses, for example Veteran’s Benefits or are an international student on a visa, it is up to you to notify that office in order to avoid disruption to your benefits or status.

ISI issues financial credits only for courses in which students are currently enrolled at the time of the effective date of the medical withdrawal and based on the financial credit policy and schedule below.

Independent Study in Idaho does not generally issue refunds after the refund deadline. However, in instances of medical withdrawals, to encourage students to continue pursuing their education, ISI issues financial vouchers based on the schedule below and subject to the following terms:

  • Financial vouchers are:
    • based on the effective date of the medical withdrawal, as determined by ISI. However, the effective date for financial voucher cannot be earlier than the date the student submits a request for medical withdrawal and the appropriate documentation.
    • calculated on courses for which a student is currently enrolled, and is based on the tuition fees charged.
    • valid only for the student issued the voucher. It is not transferable or assignable to others.
    • valid for two years. For example, if a financial voucher is received on May 23, 2019, such financial voucher must be used by May 23, 2021. There will be no extension of the expiration date.
  • Students who received a financial voucher under this policy may elect to receive 50% of the value of the voucher in the form of a refund any time before the financial voucher expires. To do so, students must contact the ISI office, fill out the ISI Medical Withdrawal Refund Election form, and provide it to ISI before the financial voucher expires. This election is final and cannot be reversed.
  • Administrative fees, extension fees, transfer fees and reduced fee arrangements, including, but not limited to, any reduced fees paid by a third party or any other institutional waivers, are not eligible for financial vouchers.

Students who withdraw in accordance with the regulations governing medical withdrawals are entitled to the following, minus $25 for each assignment or exam submitted for grading during the enrollment period in which the effective date falls.

  • Withdrawal during the first 45 days of enrollment is subject to the ISI Refund Policy.
  • When the effective date for a medical withdrawal falls within:
    • 46 days and through month 3 of the initial registration date, a voucher is 50% of the tuition fees charged.
    • months 4-6 of initial registration date, a voucher equals 25% of the tuition fees charged.
    • months 7-9 of initial registration date, a voucher equals 10% of the tuition fees charged.
    • months 10 and until the original end date of course, a voucher equals 0% of the tuition fees charged.


Independent Study

Physical Address:
Blake House
1150 Blake Ave.
Rooms 205, 206 and 207
Moscow, ID 83844-3081

Mailing Address:

Independent Study in Idaho
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3081
Moscow, ID 83844-3081

Toll-free: 877-464-3246

Phone: 208-885-6641


Web: Instructor Gradebook Access